Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Money Woe's

MY MONEY WOE'S  2/28/2013

First I want to start by saying that I am a single woman in my very early 40's and for most of my life I have made pretty decent money. I have decided to start this blog because I want to share my ideas with everyone on how to change small things in your life but saving big money. My goal is to not worry about having to work full time and just enjoy my life with less "stuff" that I don't need.

As we all know, the economy has tanked! Women like myself who have worked so many years to get to where we are without a "formal education" had no trouble finding employment. I have had good paying, Office Management jobs my whole life until about 2 years ago. Then the economy tanked and I was screwed!

Now, employers don't want to pay us what we are worth and the simplest of Admin jobs are being required to have some sort of degree for $13.00 per hour. Even though I personally feel this is incredibly ridiculous and unrealistic, these are the facts of the current economy. Another problem I am finding with the world and employers since the economy has changed is that because there are so many people looking for employment these days, they will fire employees at the drop of a hat with no conscience whatsoever.

With that being said.... I am again out of work for the 3rd time in the last 2 years since the economy tanked. This is very common in Las Vegas as we have the highest unemployment rate in the country. as I sat here in my house looking at the computer yesterday I came across an article about a family of 4 living on $14,000 per year. This article inspired me. Also got me thinking about how I am not living my life to the fullest and how I do NOT want to go back to work for someone else full time.

I have always thought of ways to make my life less cluttered with stuff I don't need and how to live with less. Also, I wanted to start trying to make household cleansers myself to save money.I am not a writer or a financial adviser or anything like that. I am just one person trying to make myself better and happier and I want to share my journey. I am sure so many of you out there in the world will be able to relate to the life changing experiences I have had since the economy tanked.